The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast

Ep. #528: Ryan Marie's Journey: From Inflammation to Enlightenment - Fitness, Personal Growth, and Spiritual Awakening

casey shipp

What has been your biggest, physical shift. Was it losing 17 or what would you say? the biggest physical shift was? I definitely think it was removing the inflammatory foods from my diet. which allowed me to drop the 13. And feel less pain and aching in my body. Also as an esthetician, it was a major bonus because I myself stopped breaking out as much. So, really, you know, I think in one of your videos, you said 90 percent of people come up highly inflammatory towards dairy, and that's usually a thing that estheticians say as well to clients that are struggling with acne. I want that milk in my coffee, you know, but when you see the test and you see all that red, you're like, okay, I'm going to try this. And it really did make a difference. Seeing it on paper, you know, okay. How long did it take you to lose those? I started with you, that last week of January, but it took me maybe three or four weeks to get into that program or just send my results off. And then, probably about three weeks to get it back. So I would say, I've pulled out those inflammatory and moderately inflammatory foods for about what? Five months, four months, five months. So for so we'll save. Hold on. Are we counting the month that it took to do the testing? So not January, not February. So let's say March, April, may, June. So it's been five, four months and it, as I was losing the weight, I would like lose a couple pounds and then I'd go up a couple pounds and then I would lose a couple pounds go up. So it was just like, it was a slow thing. And then it took me a minute to get into the gym too,'cause I was scared to go in there. And then once I combined the lifting the weights with the non inflammatory, then it was like, okay, now we're actually moving down. And now I think I keep fluctuating between 169 and 170, but yeah, I was 183 when I started. So it doesn't sound like a lot, but pick up a 15 pound weight and carry around all day. It makes a huge difference in the way that I feel in my clothing and just how I feel by the end of the day. so we'll say 13 pounds in four months without, hardcore dieting and hardcore cardio, Welcome y'all. I've got Ryan here. Ryan Marie. She is an esthetician, very professional six figure multi six figure gal. She joined me end of January. She got her food test and all that stuff done. So we figured it out and she's lost 13 pounds in four months without doing any cardio, without going crazy on dieting, restricting tracking. This was just from the energetics paired with. The food test results. So that's awesome. Welcome, Ryan. I'm so happy to have you here for way more than the weight loss. I just want to talk about the weight loss, get it over. So we've talked about other shit. It sounds like a deal. So tell us a little bit about yourself, what you do business wise, and just who, who, who is Ryan? Currently I'm a licensed master esthetician. I have been for the last 15 years. and about six years ago, I stepped out of being an employee and into owning my own practice. And, I would say I specialize in resurfacing the skin with chemical peels, helping people heal from acne and melasma. And I recently have really embraced the energy healing and sound therapy in the treatment room. Oh, we're going to talk about that. Because you're going to free so many women, Dave, when we talk about it. do you want to share how old you are? No, your age. I'm 43 years old. And I am a dog mom and I have a beautiful Australian shepherd that, we go walking every day. So that's the cardio. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, dry, elevated desert, very difficult, environment to keep your skin, looking hydrated and healthy. So there's a big need for, my services in this area. He is legit superhuman. Like when we say skin, what I found out about her skin was something I'd never experienced. I'm just excited that you're here sharing your energy and your wisdom. So, but I love that you shared your age. Cause a lot of women think, Oh, You know, most of these girls are younger or, they're not like me. And I have so many women, Ryan, that say, can I still work with you? I'm not a mom. I'm like, fuck. Yeah, actually I prefer working on women without kids. What, what was the main problem that you had? Do you remember on the 3d? Cause I know you did a lot of stuff for like 5d spirit, but on the 3d, I know you said you shot, you saw me, you said showing my ass and a thong dancing and then talking shit about eating avocado toast. Was it weight loss? It brought you in that. Do you remember specifically what brought you in? Yeah. Yeah. The message or like weight loss or what was it? Yeah, I was, I came across you on Instagram and I was like, Whoa, what is this lady doing? She, she's, she's looking good. I want to do like, I want to ask like that. And then one day that popped up about the avocado toast and I was eating avocado toast. And so it was hilarious. I was like, Oh, I had been following you and admiring you for about a year and a half. And then in, but I had done so many programs, Casey, so many and say bottom. And I have a drawer over there full of, of things that have been sent to me that I ordered like DVDs. I was good at buying them. I just wouldn't do it. And, so, January was just kind of a, it was a really dark month for me and I was very depressed and I thought to myself, I can't keep going like this. Like I can't imagine another 10 years. Feeling the way that I feel right now, like something has to change. And I just, I needed motivation and you were very motivational. And you also just got me on a very like low ticket. Oh, I can afford that 7 gut test. Sure. And then it was like, Oh, if you're going to get that, well, then you could get this bad bitch membership. And I'm like, oh, that sounds cool. 97. Cool. Sign me up on that. You know? And then I got to find out that you did a bunch of other stuff too. And I didn't know. And I was like, oh, she's five coaches in one. All right. Like signing up. And I didn't have like that money just sitting in the bank. I was like, I'm going to have to make this work. I remember talking to your team member, Nicole, and telling her what was up with me, and I just started bawling. I was just, and bless Nicole, like, I don't know how many people just have a meltdown on her, but I just started bawling, like, actually saying what I was going through out loud. Yeah. And, like, having somebody listen to me, you know? So when you say you were going through a lot, you said depression, you're smart to know you needed motivation. I know a lot of women that would just take medicine and, keep brushing it under the rug, but you didn't other things, right? Red flags that you knew you needed help. my hip was slipping out of place quite a few times. and it was really scaring me. I've always been in my youth athletic and never really had any problems with my body. And, this was a very big warning flag. as I was looking in the mirror, I was just seeing my body change, in my forties. And I was looking like a mom and I'm not to insult moms, but you know, which moms I'm talking about. I don't want to wear mom jeans. I want to wear cute clothes. Like I didn't, I was, it was, that was slipping away from me. And I was like, I didn't recognize myself. In the mirror and I told Nicole that I was like when I see Casey, I feel like Casey on the inside But when I look in the mirror, that's like not what i'm seeing so it was the the hip issue and just like Just my stomach just like I looked pregnant. I'm like, where is all of this coming from? Because I didn't think I was the worst You know, diet, I didn't think I was, I wasn't eating fast food every day. You know, I didn't think I was the worst at my diet. Probably not the best, but yeah, it was, Oh, my hair was just falling out. My hair was just thinning and thinning and, what else? I had no energy. Like at the end of the day, I was just so tanked. And I used to do five facials a day. Then I went down to four and then I went down to three. And then I'm like, so when is it going to be in another five years? Am I going to be down to two? so the depression, no, any new motivation, not recognizing you, not liking what you saw in the mirror, paying attention to your energy, all that. Cause women are just, they're checking, they're doing the checklist right now. So what made you join ours? And well, you said the 7, which was an easy, like, you know, foot in the door. We need to bring that back. Actually. We actually probably do better with 7 cause women and their worthiness stuff and trust issues, than the 27. We're going to keep the 27, but, that 7 on the front end was great. So you did that. What made you want to do ours specifically with, you know, weight loss and health at this point? Because you didn't know anything else because you got all these other programs in your drawer. Like, was it a feeling for you? What made sense? I honestly, as simply as it was, I just, I am, I've known a lot about inflammatory foods. I did another program maybe for six months before I fell off the wagon and saw results where I had lost 25 pounds, removing pretty much everything from my diet. And that was another reason I slipped off because it was so strict. It was, I mean, I went from being vegetarian for 15 years to just eating meat and vegetables and it was really hard. It was really, really hard on me. not only just like handling me and like, but then my body like taking in meat, even though I had it 15 years, it was really, really hard. And again, with little exercise, just kind of stretching and stuff. I did lose 25 pounds. it was unsustainable. It was, lonely. Food is so social. anywhere I went, I couldn't eat with people and it just didn't fit well for me. but I knew there was a thing there. And so when you advertised, You know that there's inflammation in the gut and this can affect all the different, functions in your body I knew there was something there Obviously you're the perfect advertisement for your company and you do these videos you just look amazing And I knew that we were around the same age So I was like I gotta give this lady a try whatever she's doing. She's got she knows something And so that's why I picked the program Okay, got it. and you've been on it way more than six months. On working with us. I joined, I joined last the last week of January. Almost six months. And, it doesn't seem like you're slowing down. It seems, if anything, you're continuing, you're doing it's you're deepening in the program. Oh, for sure. there's so much to go deep on. There's so much content. and I also wrote down here. That I thought it was very important to say that even if you think that you can get through all the content and check all the boxes, you're going to change and grow through the program. So then when you revisit those things, those modules that you had already. finished, they hit you in a different way. And I love that about it because other things are flying over your head. But then once you get to that height, you're like, boom, that one's hitting, hitting you a different way. So 100%, a lot of people, they get in just three months, six months, a year, two years. This is timeless. Just keep it in the vault, you know, keep it in your. Yeah. I picked that up from a few of your videos that you had mentioned, you know, this lady has been in here for a year. This lady has been in here for two years. The other reason why I see myself continuing on, and I also really appreciate how long you make certain programs available for, is because of the support, and when you are a business owner and I don't have any employees, it's just me. And I don't have a lot of friends that are doing what I'm doing. And so to find this support here has been so clutch for me. It's felt amazing to be able to do these zoom calls and to talk to other women that are building companies. I just cannot explain to other people how important that is. But I think You have to be in it to know how important that is. It really brought it, it pulled me out of that depression. It really did. Yeah. Yeah. You did the program help. I'm just kidding. I always, you know, women, women are in a low state. Low spot. And I never want them to think, I'm going to fix it. And it's, they're putting me this program on a pedestal because they're going to get let down. It's just like, we provide you a space, a safe space to heal yourself, you know? cause there's a lot of people. I mean, I got one of the DMs right now and she's pissed. She goes, I bought it three years ago and I'm so disappointed with you at lack of attention. I got, that's her experience with us. Was there anything particular about the program that really helped? Would you say it was, yeah, well, I'll let you answer. For me, I felt like I knew a lot of the information that you teach from where points in my life where I've been gathering and I just had like a big basket of stuff that I had gathered. That sounds good. But you took that basket. Because you've been gathering all that information and then you organized it and put it in to a school that I could just go through and I'm just so grateful to you for that because A lot of the information I'm learning, I'm like, yeah, yeah, I've read that book. oh yeah, this is, it's resonating with me. It's resonating with me, but I really appreciated the way that you have everything organized because it, then you can work the program because you even had like, start here, do pre work this, now do this. And that's the thing. When you just have a big basket, you don't know where to start. So you're just overwhelmed. So that's what I really appreciated about your program. And that there, I was just blown away by how much content there was and is on all the subjects. I didn't expect that I was just like, Whoa, if you're an information junkie and a learning junkie, like I am, it was a very pleasant surprise. and then the other thing I wrote down, was the zoom calls I think I told Nicole when I bought other programs, I never did the zoom calls. I just didn't want to engage in a community, and I think I engaged, the first few, Zooms that I was a part of until I actually met you in Florida, I would just put up my picture, and kind of listen in the background. That's right. I remember. And then once I met you in Florida and I met some of the other girls, then I became very active in it. I'm kind of shy in that way. but the zoom calls are something I really look forward to and they really boost my day and I really enjoyed that about the program. And they don't come with every program. So Ryan is in one of the more, what would you say? What's the word that has like everything in there? I don't know, but it has like the business, the, the medicine woman stuff, the money stuff, you know, so she, cause some of them it'll be listened and they'll think, well, I purchased this and like, we have, we have so many different programs. So if you hear her talking about zoom, she's in a program, just make sure you get the one with zoom access to me. There you go. I'll say that. All right. let's see the result of implementing. within six months. You got the new facility, but did you hit a certain Money thing with business. You let go of, not toxic, but very energy draining relationship that you'd been in for five years. Like, give us a rundown of just six months. well, I was able to talk to you. We did some one on one coaching and you know, I told you that I didn't. I didn't like my office that I was currently in. And so it was hard for me to move forward on a few things. And you were very understanding of that. So the goal was to get a new office, which that has been attained and it's a beautiful space moving in there in October. And then I can start, but I've had, plenty of time to think about what I want to do from the new space. So that's been. The best thing and that popped up right after severing those relationships that were draining me, the office appeared and I feel like that's not a coincidence Yeah. There was, there was, there was two relationships in my life that were, very, very draining. And, and it was very difficult to sever those, they, they, they, they reacted in a very strong way and, going through your program and healing those wounds really helped me with the boundaries. I don't think I could have done it without learning stronger boundaries. So hands down, I mean, I wouldn't be where I'm at if, if the shit wasn't in the program because everything that helps me I'll put in there and spot on. Would you, would you consider yourself a highly sensitive person? Yes. Okay. And when I say that because people are listening, you know, they can't see you, but, empathic medicine woman vibe. And now I want to talk about that in a second. We've only got two more questions and then we'll get into the good shit. Okay. Where do you think you'd be if you wouldn't, like, if you didn't sign up for it, the, the specifically the one you're in now, not just the little cheapo programs of mine, but like The Big Daddy. I definitely would still be dealing with a lot of irritation and frustration. The undercurrent of those two feelings was destroying me. I was, I was seeking out from any other healer, like, help me, heal me. And it, like you said, you know, the program doesn't heal you. You have to heal yourself. I, I had, I had to, I had to heal myself too, but I had to figure out what it was like, I was so blinded by the anger, frustration, irritation. I couldn't pinpoint it until I started doing the work and the program. So I would still be feeling those intense feelings which I believe were destroying my health and, my spirit. I work on people for a living. I try to help other people heal and make them feel better. And how can you do that if you're suffering, I think my business probably would have fell apart. I maybe would have given up on it and went back to. bartending or something. I don't know. I mean, who knows? I don't want to know. I'm happy where I am now. I'm happy I chose to stick with it. And lastly, if there's anybody watching that's on the fence, sorry, I just I don't know if I need a cough drop or what. It's like every time I start talking. if there's anybody watching and they're on the fence, And they're terrified, you know, whether, you know, it's going to cost money or, can I do this? I failed so many times, what's going to make this different? Like, what would you say to them? I had all those thoughts. I wanted to bail on my call with Nicole. I was like, I really shouldn't spend this money. I just paid that credit card off. I shouldn't charge it back up again. but the thing that I couldn't get out of my head, if I don't try, I'll never know if I don't try this, what am I going to do? Just keep going how I am, like what I'm doing, isn't working. So I needed to ask for help. And, I would say, look, You're not physically going to die. So why not try it? You might learn something. And if you're not learning, then you are dying. So you gotta keep learning to grow, you know? So I would say, even if you can just try. One program, even if you can just, step in, and give it a try. I didn't. I went full balls to the wall, because I needed the help. I really needed the help. And I am not a person to ask for help. So that was very uncomfortable for me, but you have to get uncomfortable to grow. And you're very sensitive, you know, when people like us ask for help, we've been, people take advantage of that, you know, so it is scary. And so you good job trusting yourself on that. Now let's get into the shit I want to talk about. All right. So when you first, I think on the call, Nicole told me, she messaged me when she was talking to you. And she goes, Ron's, she called you something. She has Ryan's a soul sister. She's done Aya and she goes, she told me though, kind of scared me for a minute when I, she told me, cause she kinda, if she's hesitant, she'll message me to, to feel the energy. And, Because I can't, I can tell like if we get somebody on the line, we're not supposed to have in the company, I will feel, you know, how narcissistic energy feels. I will feel so bad. And no matter what I'm doing on my, who's on phone, who you talking to, you know, and she goes, she said she did IA for, you know, she does IA often. And she went to try to receive healing and it's just black and says, it's, it's You know, you got to do something like you've done all this plant medicine. You've done all this healing work. It's time for you to do something. I get so many people, Ryan, that I've done the work. I use Reiki your girl yesterday, she reached out to us. And then now she's good. She goes, I did Reiki. I'm fine. She just says, I need to keep doing this. I'm like, you need to learn how to be the Reiki person for yourself. But I didn't say that anyway, so many women are. Quick to say I've done the work. I've done that. I've done this. Tell me, tell us about that. You know, how did all this work with you sitting with I and going black and then you meeting us like just give me what you were thinking. I was actually noticing a lot of energetic things. Doing facials and I would have things come to me and they would mean so much to my client and I'm just like, okay, there's something going on here and you know, I've, I'm not going to church. I was, I was raised Episcopal, you know, baptized confirmed, but like 13, I was like, I'm not going to church anymore. And so I wasn't, I wouldn't say I was spiritual, but I noticed things happening. And so I took a couple of Reiki classes. And when they would get into certain things, I would shut off. I'd be like no God, no source. Like I'm not doing like, my dad sent me to a Christian private school that was like Bible clumping. Like it was so hard. It was so hard for me. So I was, I'm in this reiki going like, Oh, I can't. Okay, I'm done with all this energy stuff, but like when it comes to source or God, I'm not, I'm not doing that. And so I kind of felt like a failure at that. I was like, okay. and then, the girl that I was taking Reiki classes from was a friend of mine in Salt Lake and a fellow photographer. And we hung out and then she started talking about Aya. And I was like, how do you. How do you know to do that? She's like, Oh, my brother, my brother serves with this other guy. He's a shaman and he's been serving for like 25 years. and I was like, Hmm, well, that's interesting. And then I talked to another friend of mine, an artist friend of mine that I was painting with, and he said he did AYA in Costa Rica. And I was like, how do you know to do that? And he's like, Oh, you have to be invited. And I was like, Oh shit, I'll never get invited. I just like decided I'll never get invited. And then sure enough, my other friend invited me, she's like, Hey, my brother's coming to Moab. And, would you want to come? And I was like, okay, I'm going to do this. And I went and it was absolutely beautiful. and I was so scared shitless. even though I had done other psychedelics recreationally, I was still so scared because it was so ceremonial I was like, what if I take off all my clothes and start running around it and be like being crazy, you know, I was just so scared. And then when we drank it, and it started setting in, I immediately connected with, I didn't know at the time what it was, but after. I knew I connected with my brother and so, you know, when you're in the medicine, I was like, all right, we hadn't talked to each other in three years, we had a falling out. So I was like, I'm going to call him when I get back to the city and we're going to make up. And then when I got back into the city, I kind of got back into my ego and I got scared to call him because I thought he was maybe going to reject me or maybe be an asshole to me or, and so it was his birthday and I didn't call him. Yeah. And then it was my birthday two days later and, he didn't call me. And I was like, oh, it's just another year of us not calling each other. And then a week later he died I had been invited. The month before, after the ceremony, they said, Ryan, we want you to come out to Hawaii. We want you to come up to Hawaii and do a five day ceremony with us. And I was like, Oh, I can't, I'm a, I'm going to move to Denver and marry this Russian and I'm going to have a baby. I was 35 at the time. And, after my brother died, the Russian dumped me and said, I love you. I just can't be with you. And so I called them up and I said, can I. Please still come to Hawaii and they were like, yeah, sister, come on, come on over. So I brought my brother's ashes and, I bought, I brought him in a little tube, just some of his ashes and we stuck him in the fire. And the, shaman said to me, was your brother a smoker? And I said, yeah. And he goes, Oh, hold on. I'll be right back. He comes back with his tobacco pouch. And he puts tobacco on the tube. and he said that tobacco will help the spirit release. And it was so sweet and so beautiful. And it, it really helped me heal. And then I come back to cold Salt Lake city in February and, I'm supposed to be doing the work, but like I slipped into everything worse, like everything worse, drinking worse, having promiscuous sex, worse, like doing drugs, worse. And I got alcohol poisoning. it was really, really bad. And so then I got invited again to drink Aya and I went to Sundance, Utah, and I drank Aya with some different people. It was a much larger group, but I think I drank about three servings and I got nothing. No visuals. It was just black and the message for me, I got a headache too. And the message for me was. You can't just keep coming here like a party like you can't just this isn't your feel good drug Okay, like I showed you all the things I showed you you're your own healer. I showed you it's nothing but love I showed you your brothers. Okay What are you doing here? Go do the work. That's what I got. And so that's, that's the story. Yeah. You know, We can't, how do I word this? Cause it's very, it's a religious experience. You know, as I set up the church, we understand that it's a sacrament. It's truly, it's a way to have a religious experience and I'll see women, they'll want to do it. And then they don't. And I just know what's happening. I know what's happening, but, I've even judged myself like, well, here I am being religious about it. You know, how people are with, with like Jesus and like, Oh. She's saying no, her life's going to be this way. I is definitely different, but so how, how soon after did you find us when it said do the work? so I didn't find you until May 2022. Okay. And I think the last time I drink, I was maybe like 2017. Wow. Gotcha. and for those listening we've got plenty of stuff on ayahuasca, it's a very powerful healing, very powerful psychedelic medicine that hopefully they're starting to bring over here and making it more accessible to people because what it does for suffering is incredible. and then we did an event here. with us and about five gals and Ryan was a part of that. And I remember you said, your boyfriend was like, you're going to go to Florida and drink Aya with those girls. He knew what was coming. so what was the event like, with or without the medicine, because we do promote that, but you have to be a part of the mastermind to be invited. You can't just like be in my event. With a, never working with me, but what was that like for you? Cause you've been to a lot of shit. You've experienced a lot of stuff. And Ryan's a very powerful medicine woman. When she worked with me, I want to say this. We were on the phone doing a soul session and I saw her, you know, as medicine woman and all this stuff. I think you knew you had them, but as we've worked together, you're now implementing your healing energy and your gifts with your clients. And it's, you said that they're paying you double people. You're it's more heart centered. It's like, it's a vibe right now. Right. Yeah, I did. That was another thing I forgot to mention with the, you know, what's improved is I did raise my prices. And that was very uncomfortable for me and nobody really said anything negative to me about it at all. I brought in the, you know, some of the Oracle cards and, you know, little tools and stuff that I work with, but I've always been kind of shy about. And it was profound, the cards that these women were pulling. And because, you know, I work with them monthly, so I know what's going on in their lives. And then they would pull a card and we would read it together and, and I knew how much it applied to what was going on. And I had women, Oh, can I take a picture of this? and so that made me feel really good because I haven't been sharing those things. to me, like I just left getting a facial and I didn't book again because I'm going to call into my life it's tapped into their gifts. It's not saying this girl was bad at all. It's just when we fully step into who we are, it's like, even my acupuncture lady, she's shamanic and how she does it. It's like, I can't explain it. Even the medical doctors, we've got a few now in hot moms and I'm like, you're who we pray for. it's a network, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So, it's so amazing to step into your gift for that. Share with us about the event. Like, because I've heard you talk about it and I love hearing you talk about the event. I was coming off a first part of my vacation from Arizona and then coming in down to Florida. And, so I was feeling a little low energy, a little low battery. I'm like an introvert extrovert, so I'm pretty introverted unless it's more like one on one or I know you, then I can get, a little extra, I think with the rest of the ladies, we were all just kind of like, Oh, we're going to go down there with strangers. Like, how is this going to be, you know, and, but I'm always down for an adventure and I walked in and like, they had already been there for a day. I was like a day late. So, it was, you know, there's already that like friendly energy and like, now I'm the new person coming in. and so I just kind of settled my stuff and then, I think it was later that day you walked in and as soon as I saw you, it was like, I already knew you cause I've been watching all your videos, but you're so a hundred percent how you are in your videos. You are in real life too. Like your energy just transfers right through the screen. You are not. And you know, that was a little like, I wonder, you know, if you wonder if they're it and you are. So that made me immediately feel very relieved. And, before the ceremony, the amount of nervousness. And in the air from the other women who hadn't done it was making me sweat. I was feeling all of their nervousness. Like my palms were sweating and it was so good to sit there and know, like, you're going to be okay. and remember that I felt that exact same way my first time. And it was so fun to see everyone go through. The experience and then how proud of themselves they were after, because it was so scary, you know, the unknown, and then to be on the WhatsApp group afterwards and hear all their success stories when they came home and how their children were reacting to them and how their husbands were reacting to and how their relationships were improving. That was, that's the best part of ceremony, I think, Is to see the integration. Yeah, we had no drinking. I think we had one that was like alcoholic no more You know, she's not alcoholic anymore. Yeah, what about the shaking ass you said we got in there and we were So you brought strangers in Well, now it's still remember. Yeah one of your videos I had seen after the trip I was going through your content and you were you were in one of your videos you were going off about You How drinking bubbly water releases serotonin. And during the trip, you had stocked the fridge with a couple different kinds of bubbly waters. And then you were saying how sharing music and listening to music together. Was, a way to release their town and and I have I'm a huge music music lover. And that first night when we were out in the backyard and you were just wanting to share all this music and it was such an easy way to bond with everyone. And I loved it. Just it just made it really fun. And then, yeah, when it was Your ceremony. It was like, let's get these women dancing. I there, a lot of them are all of them for moms, moms, and wives, and to see them not have to be a mom and not have to be a wife and to just be themselves and like, Oh, I remember this dance and this move and shaking and laughing and having so much fun. I was so happy for all of them. And then that's why, like, when they went back home and the one lady's husband was like, whatever you did in Florida, like, keep doing that. And it's like, yeah, women need a safe circle of women to get wild with and to move your body and be sexy and have fun and not have to be mom and not have to be wife. I think it's important sometimes. you mentioned the ceremonial stuff and that's one part that I didn't love about it is it felt so serious and, you know, scary and serious and church like and whatever. And for me to bring in that freedom and act like kids, like we were using the, we were in the Tesla doing pranks with the damn, fart machine. What do you call it? intercom. Kawaii! Yeah, you found a loudspeaker on it and then you started messing with people walking by at nighttime. We were like juvenile fun. We were having like childlike fun. It was just incredible. But that to me is, you know, every time I've done I and I've had the blackouts to where she's like, you know, you get nothing. I was like, damn it. But Yeah, it's all about play. You know, it's always about just play, please play more, play, play. So, okay. That's cool. So, cause I definitely, you know, we're going to do one, we've got one coming up in August and then, October, I think it's going to be the next, you know, event. Like we did. But for anybody listening, you know, women love events and I have some of them. They're like, when they pay me, they're like, do you also have events? I don't know how long I'll do them for, but right now it feels right. It feels good. Oh, so, okay. is there anything else with Ryan? I would say as an, as a medicine woman, intuitive, psychic, medium, you've done all this shit for so many years. How, how would you say that this integrates? With all that, you know, do you feel like it adds, I don't know, just what's your opinion on that mixing with this? Because we get a lot of women who are, they love this kind of shit, but they don't know anything about it. Some of them are full time, they are psychic mediums. That's the worst place to be is when you know about this stuff and you resonate with it. And when I say stuff, I mean the spiritual side of things and the energetic things. But nobody around you in your life, not your immediate family, not your friends, nobody else is really doing that with you or having those conversations with you. So you start to kind of just feel a little crazy. You start to feel like, am I the weird one? Like, am I making this up? is this just coincidence? Like, and, and living like that is not a good feeling. And then you start doing all the unhealthy things. You start having that beer every day. So you don't have to think about it. You know, you start eating the sweets or whatever your comfort thing is. to be in a program in a community that are all sharing the magic too, that's, that's the best is when, Oh, I noticed this and then this happened. And when you get to witness it happen in other people's lives and you know, it's happening because they are embracing their magic, you're like, okay, I'm not fucking crazy. I am not fucking crazy. I love how much do you love the Sunday magic because. I love them. This last one was extra fun. Oh my God. And then that's what we don't know right now, you know, with the money manifesto vision party, I'm like, is it separate? Cause I don't ever want to make, you know, magic be anything else. And I don't know, do we, do we make it separate? Do we say that it's six months of this? And sometimes we mix in the magic. I don't know. Well, I think maybe test running. And if you're not getting results, then you know, the magic needs to be in there. So that's a hard call. but maybe magic B can be the one where you're like, Hey, I'm feeling the cacao and the mushrooms. You know, maybe that one's not me. That's not, in the, in the other zoom call, but that was fun. That's my favorite. I mean, if we, if we knew that we could get on every Sunday and do mushroom and cacao together, like That was great because that set the tone for the rest of my day. And honestly, if you hadn't said that, I probably would have just gotten into something else. But that was a really nice thing for me that day to do that. we started vibing. we left on a high note. yeah, you could tell because everybody in telegram was like, thank you so much for that. That was so great I'll do it some more. okay, so thank you for sharing your energy and I have a feeling that over time maybe Somebody may want you know, oh my god. I live there. She's holy shit. You know, they're they're local to you So where would they go to check you out or how do we? Send them your way if they want to work with you My website is the skincare therapist. Okay, and you can even Yeah, also, also on Instagram and Facebook and X. so my email is available. It's just ryan at the skincare therapist. com. And yeah, I appreciate the plug. Thank you. Oh, did money change at all? Did you make more money? I went and looked at the numbers and I'm, I'm not, I'm making a little bit more, cause you know, I raised my prices. But I've been working so hard on paying off the debt because I did the balance transfers and I got the no interest. So I'm like, okay, I have to pay this one off first before the interest hits me. So I've just been, paying down those numbers. So I do have money. It's just been allocated. A different way. you have to check yourself when you have those feelings, right? Of like, Oh, I don't have any money. Where's my money at? It's like, no, I do have it. There's the numbers they say, but it's gone here and here and here. So tracking the money is so important. So you did make more, I wonder how much more you made in a year, do you know? Well, I, I'm pulling 10 grand months, like, like nothing, like I'm pulling 10 grand months without even a full schedule. And what did you used to do this time last year? Probably about eight. All right. Probably about eight grand. Yeah. So it's going to get, but the money I know it's there. Like I know it's there and it's, it's once I move into that space with the light, And the energy it's, I know it's going to be like, okay, here it comes. Here comes the flood that you told me to prep for There's so many, skincare professionals that would love to be making six figures. And we were like, Ryan, you should totally teach people how to do it. She's like, Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Like, Okay. But, even if you had your own, big place and you had other people in there, it's all there. You're totally magic. So anyway, This new office has a classroom that you can rent out and do things. So there's Lots of potential in the new building. I'm so proud of you. I'm so happy to know you. and, and I do, I love Ryan's energy. She's one of those that I'm like, Ryan, what do you feel like? She, it's just equal, equal. There is no, and I feel like a lot of us are like that. There's no KC's on a pedestal. It is all, we are all very powerful medicine women. We just have different gifts. For sure. I am so happy. I found you on Instagram and you, you've really added a lot of light to my life just with that relation, you know, and be like, she knows, she knows what I know. Also, we're probably going to start back with the seven now seven to the 27 because of you. So there you go. Nice. Thank you so much. Okay. Thanks Casey. Bye.