The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast

Ep. #534: Why You Resist The Trauma Modules

casey shipp

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00:00 Introduction and Purpose

00:33 The Importance of Hormones

01:47 Understanding Overwhelm and Trauma

02:16 Clearing Negative Charge

04:49 Managing Emotions and Capacity

06:47 Community Support and Growth

07:55 Conclusion and Next Steps



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I wanted to cover something I did post this inside of the mastermind in school but since some of you are in the bad bitch bundle, I figured I would post here and Some of you are in fit hormones for 27 And you're looking at, now that you've got your stuff done, you want to start learning how to clear some of these charges, do the neutralizers and really start to clear out the reason why you've struggled for so long. And I'm going to cover something that you may or may not want to hear, but it may also validate the fuck out of you. So I just really want to share for those that are willing to listen. So hormones, all right. One of the reasons why hormones are such a big deal for healing your nervous system. For example, I have so much, I have so many trainings inside of the Mastermind. We have Mastermind, I mean if you're in my VIP, you have access to probably 50 courses. It's crazy because you get access to everything. And Abundance, which is what I offer, a lot of times Abundance of things can feel like lack. And those with Trauma and scarcity. You feel like there's just too much here. I'm just too overwhelmed. So it's an abundance and it can feel like lack. It can stress you out. There's no wrong or right, but the reason why I say to do hormones first is this. Being in the game for 15 years and then really specializing in the trauma informed approach to weight loss, which is why we get so many results in the mastermind. Is because if you don't clear the nervous system at the root issue, the hormones and everything you're doing is not going to do too much. Like you're going to get a little bit of result, but you're going to, you're going to get back into the same old ways and patterns. The second circumstance comes up or, motivation wears off. So what I like to do is get to the root issue to clear out all that. So you can go up instead of staying in the cycle if you get overwhelmed, it means one of two things. Number one, you just don't have the capacity. A lot of people, they get really overwhelmed easy. And what that means is you've got a lot of charge. It means you've got so much trauma energy stored in your body. It builds up and it's just negative charge. It blocks. It's like things being thrown in a river over time. And it's just you reach the point where you're on edge and you feel overwhelmed. Your nervous system is very dysregulated and you're in chronic fatigue and survival mode. This is why in the mastermind if you're really ready to start to take things off your plate To find relief And not be so stressed out you start in courses like clear my shit Reset and restore. You start listening to them when you drive, when you walk. You just get in the energy. you start removing this negative charge through our neutralizers and the courses in there Now you're gonna feel better Your capacity grows. So you feel overwhelmed with any of the modules, it just means your capacity for life, you're tapped out. Your nervous system is very dysregulated and you're in chronic fatigue and survival mode. That's why you're here. Hormones will help. If you get your hormones done first, and you start to address the adrenal fatigue, it's gonna do two things. It's gonna validate how you feel, number one, and you're gonna start to have more energy. And when you start to have more energy, you start to increase your capacity for things, but here's the catch. This is why you need to clear your shit and trauma work, because if you add on extra energy, On top of trauma energy, what do you think you're gonna get? Trauma energy, but even more. Now you're gonna feel better, but it's gonna be just You're gonna be just doing the same shit but if you tap into the trauma work and you start removing these logs out of the river and you start removing this negative charge through our neutralizers and the courses in there Your capacity grows. You become able to hold more things. If you ever looked at a woman and go, and a lot of people are very wounded and they're going to say, it's easier for her because of this or easier for her, but no. I can show you single moms that actually are calm and have a better life than a lot of married moms. I can show you women who's got two kids in college and their mom just died. That can hold it together better and still have the capacity for things that other people that don't even have half of that it's not like nobody's better or worse But it makes you wonder how come some can do it and some can't and it's what we teach it's charged It's removing this negative built up charge out of your body aka trauma energy regulating your nervous system. It goes way beyond fucking breath work So be sure that you start to address this stuff as you do the other it's key. So if you feel like oh, this is overwhelming This just means you're up against a new edge. You're breaking patterns And you need to learn you need to regulate now. We're going to do a live training about regulating the nervous system so that we can actually Feel and have the things we desire and it not be so fucking hard we'll post the link here and I will see you on the inside. That's the key. It's learning that and it takes practice Here's the first thing you do the first way to get really good at this Is the second you get triggered Are you gonna react the same way as you always have? Oh, fuck this I let me just I just need to cancel shit got too hard. I knew I shouldn't have done this Fuck it. Just cancel it. I gotta quit Okay, you're gonna stay the same or Okay, i'm triggered Your awareness increases. Okay. I'm triggered I'm feeling like there's not enough time. I'm feeling overwhelmed Let me go walk Let me go do a neutralizer Okay, this is Casey said this is what this is pointing to something my triggers are teaching me something there's a lesson here There's wisdom to be learned. There's a pattern that I can break right now. Thank you Let me go within and see what this is about. Let me relax You pull away you do the steps that you that we teach in the program and you'll have answers You'll start to do things from a calm state. Warren Buffett says if you can't manage your emotions, you can't manage money. If you can't manage your emotions, you can't manage your weight or your life or your kids. You think you're doing it, but it's why every woman I know has a thyroid problem and an adrenal problem. So it's time to start looking into this. And if you feel like, Oh my God, I'm overwhelmed. I'm just isn't right. That's why you're fucking here. So take a deep breath, take some stuff off your plate. Not the thing like this is actually going to fucking help you. Things like, let the dishes go. Cancel the people coming over to your house. All these other things and people pleasing and the stuff you're going to learn and reset and restore. The stuff you're going to learn and drop the weight struggle. The stuff you're going to learn and clear my shit. And things will start to get better. Now, the second reason is that you're afraid you're going to find out something you don't want to find out. Okay, number one is there's no capacity. You still feel like you can't do this on your own. There's still part of you that's a scared little child that feels like you're not capable and you can't do this on your own. So you're overwhelmed, all this stuff. You're still running with the same nervous system that you had as a three year old. So you have to be the adult and say it's safe. It's safe to do this. You've got this. I believe in you. And you've got a community of badass women, apparently, That say they're here. So all I got to do is make a post that of how I feel And see what they suggest because i'm new here You see you're asking for help now, but a lot of you are hyper vigilant You're hyper independent and you're living in a trauma response thinking that you're all alone And that's why things are so hard so The content it's just where you're at It's not my contents too much. It's that you don't have the capacity You And if you don't have the capacity for becoming a better person and healing your shit, what are you going to do? Stuff it under the rug a little longer and then let life hit you in the face and then blame everything else in your circumstance, be the victim and part of the problem that the world's facing. Or are you going to be part of the change? It's all about you. So when you start to see yourself as capable, as powerful, And you can take a fucking deep breath and you can ask for help in the groups and start to grow and know that your triggers are teachers. You're going to grow. Your capacity is going to grow your capacity for what you can hold in the amount of success. And then you become the woman you've always wanted to be. There you go. That's all I have to say. All right. I just made that post inside of school. I will be starting the challenge. Shortly, I'm already starting it, post y'all's pictures in the comments if you want in, those of you that's in alumni, it's 13. 50 for three months or 4. 50 for the month. Those of you that are not in hot moms, it's 2, 222 and it comes with three months of bad bitch membership, which is all everything I just mentioned. The clearings, the charge clearings, reset and restore, and everything. Incredible deal. And it comes with the weekly coaching calls with me. It's a no fucking brainer. So check your emails. We'll post the link here and I will see you on the inside. Bye.