The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast
Holistic Fitness, Hormones, Healthy Lifestyle & REALNESS
The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast
Ep. #564: The REAL reason your lower belly won't budge
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Hello. Casey here, creator of Hot Moms Lifestyle. My robe, my hair is still drying. I just got off a live and I didn't even know I had one at at 2 o'clock and I was like, you know what, I'm just gonna stay in my robe and just be real because I'll cover that in a second. I'll cover that in a second. But this is the real reason why you have stubborn belly fat. Like, why it won't budge. This is the real reason why your lower belly fat, your belly fat won't budge. And it's time to stop blaming your diet. It's time to stop blaming your diet. And thinking you need to do all this stuff. And I'm just gonna do it real, real straight up. I'm not like most coaches you find on here. I do cuss. I'm not trying to act a certain way because I think you're gonna like me more. Matter of fact, you're not gonna like me because you're gonna be like, who does she think she is? But yeah, for every woman that I trigger I call in five soulmate clients that are like, where have you been my whole life? It's like nobody was saying this shit. And here we are. And I'm also in the free group. I was not going to go live on Insta because they'd be so like, sometimes sensitive to the things that I say. But, if you're not in my free group, go there. Go on the link in the bio and go to the free group. We just got off a training called Beyond the Mirror. If you're not, if you did not get that, get it. Thanks. I think it's 22 bucks. Holy shit. What a powerful training. We covered deep, deep stuff. I know you don't like deep stuff. I know you want surface level, which is what we're talking about. Why your stubborn belly fat won't budge and it's not your diet's fault. So we're going to cover some real shit. Some real shit real quick while we're here. And then I'll get on with my business. A couple things have come up and I'm going to try to be, it's so hard for me to try to reel it in to 10 minutes. It's so hard. Like I could talk for a whole hour and giving you all the good shit. But here's the facts. Here's the facts. Number one. Your nervous system is fucked. It's very dysregulated for many reasons. We'll cover that in a second. You're not on the right hormones. Even if you say that, I go to the hormone doctor and on HRT, obviously they're not working. And there's a reason why I'm going to expose that as well. When it comes to diet, here's the deal. This lady was just saying, I just fear putting the weight back on. I've lost weight before and now it's back on and I just, I fear that and I'm like let's break that down, shall we, because the reason why women love working with me and why we get fucking good results is because I'm not some basic bitch like, oh, let's just eat healthier and stress less and deep breathe and do stuff like, I'm gonna show you the how to clearing out your nervous system and here's the deal. I know some trauma shit. I've had some lived experiences, near death experiences. Me being here right now is a miracle. And the things that we covered today about boundaries, I've got women that are like, I'm so ready for change. I'm, I have a, I have another mastermind called Magic Bee. And it's for woo. It's for very intuitive women. We go over feminine wounds and feminine rites of passage and womb clearing and all that stuff. And then we have hot moms, which is fitness, nutrition, hormones, All of that. Then we've got Millionaire Matrix. It's my business offer where I help women make shit tons of money online and really just pull out their authenticity because right now everybody's trying to be like everybody else and if you're like that, it's just It's why you're not getting the right people and money blocks, honestly Money is a big reason why I was so stressed out. And so I covered that in Hot Moms Mastermind and in Millionaire Matrix. But a lot of people get triggered in just that of hearing about money. They're like, what are you talking about? I need to lose weight. I'm like, all right, let's look at your money shit. I guarantee most of you have money blocks that come around, self worth, worthiness, spending, guilt, all that stuff. And if that's there, it's in your nervous system. It means that it's not safe. There's something that doesn't feel safe and that's going to trip up your nervous system and cause stress. But. This one lady that was like, I just don't, I'm afraid that I'm going to gain the weight back. Anybody else? Anybody else afraid you're going to gain the weight back after you lose it? I said, valid. Let's cover that, shall we? I said, it's no different than saying you're afraid to make money because you may lose it or get the money because you're going to lose it. Now, number one, when you first lost the weight, When you first lost the weight, I guarantee you, you probably did it in some stupid ass way. Intermittent fasting, trying to do some trainer's diet that you saw online. Oh no, Casey, they're really good. They're very like, they have every, they have more degrees than a thermometer. I worked with this specific Diane Summers doctor. I don't give a shit. Look at your life and your body right now and you have no energy, you can't shit, you have low libido, you're comparing yourself to everybody online, and you feel overburdened, can't get anything done, sleep is shitty, and you're wondering why your quads aren't popping. Weigh your ego with your cellulite or whatever your body's not doing and listen up because I'm going to tell you why you're struggling with that body fat and how to actually Clear the shit, finally. Aren't you tired of buying programs? It's because you're not handling the soul. That's literally it. The nervous system, but beyond fucking breath work. And, meditation and shit. There's a reason why you can't even sit still to meditate. There's a reason why. Ahem. So we go down to the fractals of the fucking soul teaching you why and then giving you the tools, the hormones, the actual testing that we do, the biohacks. I had a physician come in yesterday and she was like, the fact you cover everything. She goes, cause I had it. I knew what to do. It was just, I needed just a little help to crack the code. And it's, we pay attention to the soul of the human, the soul. There's a reason why women struggle with self care. It's why they can't stick to anything. There's a reason why and I cover that in my training. If you haven't gotten the training, DM me strategy and I'll send it to you. But today, I want to tell you the story about the lady who was afraid to gain the weight back and what it really meant. I said first of all, you lost the weight by doing one of those stupid ass diets like we all do. Paying some fancy schmancy coach online. You probably got really motivated for a second and you went all in and done things. And then life kicked your ass, something happened, somebody died, the kids got sick, the holidays came around, you moved, you, your relationship did this, something happened, life happened, period, end of story, life happened. And then some weight came back on, you got stressed out, something happened, and the weight came back on. You can lose it again, you could just do the same thing, or, here's what happens, it's like money. If you are Scared of losing the money. Definitely I suggest lose it because then you realize you can just make it back. And this time you're going to get smarter. Think about it. Because I've done both. I've lost money, gotten it back. Lost weight, gained it back and figured out how to avoid the yo. That's why I teach in Hot Moms Mastermind. We clear out the reason. What we teach here you could literally not even need to buy anything anymore. Because the struggle will literally be wiped clean of your DNA. Alright. See So if you hate results, then don't work with me. So I said, alright, let's look at this. Money. So you made money, you're scared of losing it. So let's go look at how you made the money first. Probably was out of soul alignment. For example, maybe you didn't made the money in a way where you weren't really happy with how you're making it. You're forcing to go to work. You're forcing You're just forcing it. Same with weight. You probably forced yourself. Did things that you were too tired to do. Or you just made yourself eat a certain way. The foods you hated. All this stuff. Same thing with money. You probably did it in a way that wasn't in line with your soul. And what that means is truly deep down, you just didn't want to do those things. You just didn't want to do it. It goes beyond motivation. Okay, so next. When you got the money, you're probably scared of the money. A lot of women when they lose weight, they get scared of looking hot. Being over sexualized. Comments from people. What it may trigger in others. You name it. We went over this in today's training, Beyond the Mirror. If you want Beyond the Mirror, I can't explain to you. It will clear, what it will clear out, it is like 10 years of personal growth and therapy in one session. Incredible. Just DM me, we don't even have, yeah we do it. I think it's 22 bucks. for the training. Just DM me beyond the mirror and we'll send it. Anyway, I said, and you're probably scared of when you, when the weight's here. So you are not only doing things out of alignment with your soul, going against your soul, forcing a stupid ass diet you saw online, working with a doctor that's supposed to know what they're doing all these things, but deep down you weren't trusting you. You weren't trusting like what you know you need to do and honoring your body and where you're at in life. By the way, if you're, Let's just say a new mommy. You don't need to be training the way that a 20 year old trains. If you're post menopause, perimenopause, I have a total hysterectomy. You train different. You need to be training different where your nervous system's at to slowly get you back into parasympathetic so that when life does come and kick your A$s you don't fall off and gain all the weight back. Same thing with money. So that when you make the money, now you don't feel like you need to just quit and burn it down. Been there to not make the money because now it's so aligned. You feel like you, it's actually easy. Can you imagine losing weight and it's easy? You don't need to feel like, Oh, I just can't do it another day. I just need to take off. Or when one little thing happens, you just quit. That's actually possible. That's actually in the realm of possibilities and it's just what I teach. In the work that I do. That's what I'm saying. Once you taste it, once you go here, you don't go backwards. Once you're stretched, you don't go backwards. Once you experience this new concept, this new paradigm, this new way of being healthy and fit, you don't go back to your old ways. It's just a matter of constant compounding and evolution from where you're at and continuing to go up. The fall offs get easier. The fall offs become less frequent. That's what happens. Look at when you lost the weight. How did you lose the weight? Just go back, do your own research. Go back and see how you lost the weight. How you made the money. Was it in alignment with your soul? Were you really happy? Is it something you could do forever? No. Or else you would have done it. You would have been capable of, you would have had the tools to do what you need to do. But we didn't. So what do we do? We blame ourselves. I must be stupid. I'm not good enough. See, I can't do anything. I spend money and I do this. No you're literally sounding like a child right now, blaming everything on yourself. Kids always think it must be something wrong with me. If mommy said, it must be my fault. That's what kids do. They internalize everything means something about them. So stop sounding like a child first and foremost, first stop sounding like a child with your weight and your money and forgive yourself. You're, you feel guilty because you didn't know what you didn't know. You are operating of past light lived experiences, who knows what kind of trauma, in a fucked up nervous system and you're trying to force something at surface level when you're looking under, you're looking at the brake pads when you need to be looking under the fucking hood. So this is why you have stubborn fat. Period. Next. Next. Obviously now that looking back, I forgive myself. Cause I realize I've been feeling guilty for not knowing everything. So let's clear that if you want to clear that I have a whole entire course called clear my shit Got it. Literally the tools for everything. This is why we're talking right now Because you don't have to struggle anymore Now you can get on with your life build your business do your thing and like literally create the reality that you choose You are that powerful? So now that you have that and you've cleared the guilt You're like, okay, now I'm going to lose weight this time, but I'm not going to do it the same way because clearly that wasn't sustainable. Clearly, this didn't feel right, this didn't feel right. Okay, how's it going to be this time? You get to call the shots. Because deep down, I know you. You are a top, you are a high performing, performance type female. Okay, most of you have extremely, very important careers, entrepreneurs. At the core of you, it's not like you want to sit on the couch all day and eat Little Debbies. That's some emotional eating. You're not like that. You truly do. You're doing all the right things, something's off, and you're tired of the struggle up and down. It's what the fuck gives, right? Once again, go back to the first thing. You have to create it in a way that works for you. Same with business. You can't sit here and funnel hack me. You can, but I see people copying all the time. I've tried to copy people. When you copy people. You water down your own message because you don't even know your message. You don't even know you. There is no sense of self, nothing. You have to unbury what you, what is there to get to the real you. Same with diet. You have to unbury yourself to find out, this feels aligned. This feels good. If it feels good, your body will start to feel safe and it will release the weight. Sounds too good to be true, but that's actually how it gets to be. And people like me and other people on my team that actually are like getting results and it's very easy for them. Don't hate us because we say it's easy. It's very easy. Once you understand the energetics and the emotional intelligence work and just the energetics, the mindset work, the soul body work, having the right tools, resourcing, understand science on a little bit like simple shit that we teach. It's very easy. It's just minor tweaks. Everything you've always done. You're doing it way too much, way too hard. I teach the things that are way fucking easier. But see, that trips people up. If it's easy, must be off. Must be that cause how dare you be, enjoy your life and live in pleasure cause you don't even know how to be a woman. Cause you don't even like being a woman. Women are weak. You think women are weak and you need to go and do and compete with men. Who's gonna do it if I don't do it? Got martyr complex. You see what's all in the weight of your weight right now? How much shit is in the way of you actually getting the body and health and energy that you want? You feel like you gotta do everything for everybody else. And if you don't, you have guilt. So do you really have a meal plan problem or fucking guilt problem? I'll let you answer. Yeah, exactly. Now, once you get tapped into your soul and you understand, All right, so I can do it this way. This gets to be okay. Wow. You start learning. Here's what you actually need to eat. Quit following these fucking plans that are food that you can't even eat. You don't even know if you can eat apples. So why don't you just figure that out? We'll show you how. When it comes to hormones, get with a doctor that specializes in adrenals, right? Adrenals, where it's actually at the fight or flight, because you're in survival mode. If you're in survival mode and fight or flight, you're not going to lose the weight. Period. You don't know how to let go. It's not safe to let go. You have to have that, but you can't just do one. You can't just do hormones. You can't just do, diets and just workouts and expect it to change. You have to do the soul work of what I was saying first. Let's forgive yourself for judging yourself for thinking you were stupid, not good enough, or whatever, because you failed a few times on the diet. I'm gonna show you something inside of my course that's called Reset and Restore, and Drop the Fuckin Weight Struggle, that will show you why it's been so hard your whole life. When you understand that, you're probably gonna cry, and some shifts will be made, and you'll be like, I 20 years ago. Next time you start to lose the weight, When life happens, because it will. And by the way, we don't do this work. We don't do all of this deep healing and this emotional intelligence work. So that we can handle life's shithole. Hell pits. It's to enjoy life more. That's the thing. You need to learn how to have fun. How to enjoy life. How to feel good. You need to learn how to feel good. That's the thing most of you don't know how to do. You don't know how to embody the woman who feels good in her body. You have shame around it, and guilt around it, and lots of heebie jeebie and fear around it. So you gotta first learn how to feel good in your body as a woman. Divine feminine energy. That is something that is learned. Most of us are taught against that. And you, and it's a scary world out there. Listen, I get it. But once you learn how to do that, and you start to lose weight, and you start to get healthy and do the things that's in alignment with your soul and who you are, that actually works for you, that actually works with your lifestyle versus what a fucking coach has given you online to do and this little fucking plan to do it like them because it, no. This is why nothing's working. And then now you're making it mean something about you. You're being like a kid. I must suck. I must just, I fail everything. I'm gonna spend more money. Jesus. Grow up. And reflect. But you can't grow up because you're still operating with a child's nervous system that's still dysregulated. So you have to learn how to heal this stuff. You have to learn how. And I don't care how big shot you are. If you're so tired right now. Like you have no energy. It's because you're trying to prove your worth. That you're worth something. You don't have any boundaries. You don't know how to say no. There's a guilt there. You're trying to keep everybody else afloat. You have no boundaries with yourself. I work with women who make half a million dollars. They go through the same thing as a woman who makes 20k. It's all the same. It's just an energy. Nobody's better than the other. Once you do this and you reflect on how you started to lose the weight, you're not scared anymore of feeling good in your body. You're not scared anymore of being a happy, healthy female. And you start to tap into that. You're gonna keep it. And then when life comes in, because it will, like I said, you're gonna have the tools this time. You're gonna be emotionally intelligent. You're gonna understand things that you never understood before because you've been there before. And you're gonna go oh. Last time I did it this way, I'm not gonna do that anymore. I'm gonna do it this way. I'm gonna start learning just like with money. I'm gonna actually invest in a wealth coach now. So that when I do get the money, I know what to do. Just like a lot of you. Investing with someone like me that understands energetics and how to help you feel safe in your body, being a happy, healthy, vibrant female, so you can be a better mommy, better in your community, better business owner. That's what the world needs right now. I'm here to help you shine big. And take up more space because it's not working out for you right now. Your body's breaking down, it's hurting, you're not able to do the things, you feel like there's not enough time, but there is. Because what if I told you, take your time. Take your time. You'd be like, whew, okay, let's get started. You just, there's all these pressures. You've got all these pressures and responsibilities. All these things. You've got baggage. Just tons and tons of baggage. You don't actually have extra body fat. It's just baggage. It's baggage. And yes, are you dieting and exercising properly? No. You're doing it, obviously no. There's a lot of things you're doing that's not right. That you just need a few tweaks. Body fat will start melting away. Okay? You will see it in the mirror within a week. You will start to understand why you've struggled for a long time. And why even physicians couldn't give you answers. And some of the things that's on paper you won't have anymore. You'll be like, holy crap, there is something to this. So when you're ready for that type of transformation, you hire me. If you're not, and you're ready to just, you're still in your shit, and you want to stay in the struggle, you can go hire another coach. That's cheaper or that maybe seems like they talk to you a little sweeter or whatever, you know what you need. You know what you need. You need you right now. But the problem is you have been buried under some bullshit. Love to show you. Love to show you what you need to let go of. We've got a few spots open this week for the mastermind. If you want in, if you want the training where I actually break down how the To increase your calories while adjusting your hormones and clearing out that the things that are actually keeping you stuck, DM me or comment below. When this video is done strategy, I'll send you my fat loss secrets video, fill out the application. We'll give you a personalized strategy so that you can get results quickly. Within seven days you will have within 24 hours, you will have an aha moment shift. Women who work with me have instantaneous shifts. You know why? Because we work on a soul level. This is why when you go and you watch my podcast, you go watch anything in the past, you'll say it's like you talk, it's like you know me. It's soul speak. So most of you who are over 35, it's time to wake up. Life's gonna start kicking your ass right about now. Midlife awakening and you can either wake up or stay in the normies and stay asleep and then fall into the autoimmune categories and all this stuff and and just getting old and stuff like that. Or you can rise up to the occasion and do what you came here to do. Got it. All right. You know what to do. I will see you on the inside.