The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast
Holistic Fitness, Hormones, Healthy Lifestyle & REALNESS
The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast
Ep. #565:The Skimpy Bikini Formula
Unleash Your Confidence: Master the Skimpy Bikini Look with Hotmomz
Hi, I’m Casey, creator of Hotmomz! In this episode, I share my journey of overcoming health challenges and reveal the secrets to confidently rocking a skimpy bikini. It’s not just about fitness—it’s about healing your nervous system and addressing the root causes of stress and overthinking for lasting results.
Tune in for tips, my favorite ‘leaf blower’ analogy, and how to start your transformation today. Don’t forget to join my free Facebook group and watch my masterclass for deeper insights!
- 00:00 Welcome
- 00:27 The Skimpy Bikini Formula
- 02:51 The ‘Leaf Blower’ Analogy
- 04:29 Nervous System Healing
- 06:51 Next Steps
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Casey here, creator of Hot Moms. We're going to talk about skimpy bikinis. Hey, Oh, now we're live. Okay, cool. Casey here. Welcome. Welcome. We're going to talk about skimpy bikinis, how to get in that skimpy bikini. I've got Instagram here. I've got Facebook here. If you're not in my free Facebook group, go ahead and click the link in my Instagram bio, and you'll see free Facebook community. As you see, I still have all my workout clothes today. It's a vibe. It's a vibe. It's a vibe. And actually the The freaking description is solid. Listen to this description. Skimpy bikini formula. Overthinking is a symptom. Let's radiate confidence, crush self doubt, and finally walk on the beach with no fear. In the skimpy bikini. And you might be saying Casey, it's wintertime. I live in South Florida, so it's like endless summer. But, a lot of you go on vacation for the holidays. And even if you don't, You still need to look good in lingerie and bikinis and just because you're like over 30 does not mean you're dead, honey. That's actually the opposite. And the reason why women like working with me Yes not just because we know how to get results when no other programs do because they focus on surface level stuff. No, no shade. It's just some people want surface. And then some people get to a point where they're like, I've tried all the diets. Okay. I've tried that. Yep. Done hormones. Yep. Something's still off. And that's where women find me. And I'm a very straight shooter very direct. And I cuss a lot. So if cussing makes you feel uncomfortable. Probably just need to unfollow. Cause I will definitely be cussing. But yeah, this is all about skimpy bikinis. And I am one to know because my program My whole community is called Hot Moms. It's not Mediocre Moms, it's not Bashful Moms, Shy Moms, it's Hot Moms. On the car tag. You know what I'm saying? Hot Moms. We want to look hot. We want to look like Hot Moms. Playboy girls deep down. It doesn't matter. I work with very professional women as well and professional women Especially who run their own companies and that are high up in corporate looking good is part of the package so here we go, I was really almost got emotional as I was writing The caption because I've been in serious shit before like I'm talking serious You really bad health stuff. I've been doing this for 15 years professional fitness model. By the way, I have a total hysterectomy. I've overcome hyperthyroid Chronic fatigue, what else what I mean like cystic acne depression exact literally every mental thing you can imagine Man, I've had two kids via C section lost one in between I have some life experiences highly, experience here. Lots of wisdom extracted, and I teach women how to get to the root issue of all of their health issues and problems. Weight problems, fat problems, the reason why you're going to the gym, doing all the stuff, eating all the food, and it's still just not coming off. Your energy's low, it's, you feel Like this self deprecation, this lots of self doubt, overthinking and that's why I said overthinking is a symptom. Overthinking is a symptom and I know that when you're deep in it and you feel low key depressed, low energy, you're crashing at 3 p. m., all these things, your digestion's off, your libido's down. You feel like, is it my just getting old? No. Yes, we're getting older, but the reason why you feel the way you feel is let me give you an analogy. Okay. So let's say you've got a garden or not even a garden cause I don't want you to think like carrots and stuff, just a pretty yard. Okay. A pretty yard. And There's a leaf blower. There's something that's just blowing leaves all over your yard a like a tennis ball Thing gun that just keeps shooting balls out. There's a blower that just blows leave like snow. It's just blowing leaves everywhere what most women do this is why? Most women stay stuck and they keep buying little trendy things and, let me try hormones. Let me try this diet. Let me just do this. Cause I wasn't really motivated. And then I got thrown off when the kids got sick and horrible, the holidays came through. Let me just try again. So the leaf blower, it's blowing leaves all over the yard, right? That's like the things that's in the way of you getting the body you want and the energy and the real root issue of why you're not healthy. So that's just blowing. Most women. Try to just go in and scoop up and pick up the leaves and they work their asses off to the point of Adrenal fatigue exhaustion. They get into burnout They're just guys working so hard trying to do cardio trying to You know, get in 10, 000 steps, trying to eat clean, trying to do all these things while they're trying to be a good mom or sister or whatever, while they're trying to grow in their care, while they're trying to do all these other things and be emotionally intelligent and do all these amazing things. They're spending their time trying to get all these leaves up. Meanwhile, all you gotta do is turn off the leaf blower and the leaves will stop and then you can clean up and it just, it's just clean forever. That's the work that we do here at Hot Moms. We, I've been a victim of also going to higher coaches, macro coaches, doctors thinking that, Oh, this insulin resistant program's going to help. Oh, this is specific to gut issues. Oh, this is, they'll fix my hormones. Oh, menopause or, cause I have a total hysterectomy. Oh, this is clearly, this is what it is. Nope. You're still just trying to clean up the leaves versus healing your nervous system. This is how we do things. Healing the nervous system. Removing the stress from your past lived experience because your body has kept score. This is why there's health stuff that's unexplainable and no energy and why you're doing all the right stuff and you're only eating 1, calories and life just seems sad and frustrated and you're judging yourself now. Your self esteem is in the tank. It's just symptoms, overthinking. That's just a symptom of adrenal fatigue, low hormones, and a lifetime and generations of compiled lived experiences that's in your DNA that's stuck in your nervous system. That is the leaf blower. So all you gotta do is address that, remove it from your nervous system with my strategy, or someone else's, go do it, whatever. Address that, and that will turn the leaf blower off. That will clear everything up. You will quickly, rapidly be like, Oh my God, this makes so much. This is exactly what it is. You'll probably cry. A lot of women do. And they're like, where was this 20 years ago? I needed to go through my stuff to create this program. It's like metacognition meets weight loss. This is how we get results. This is how we get these amazing transformations and lean physiques with women that are twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, Total hysterectomy, any kind of what's going on, without cardio, without starvation diets, because, and Without taking thousands of dollars of supplements, we have it down. We can hack everything. We know how to hack everything. Enough going to these naturopaths. I've had people do, think, oh, I've done that, I've done that. If you'd done it, you'd have the results. So all you got to do is turn the leaf blower off, which is addressing things on the nervous system level. That's it. While tweaking, knowing how to tweak your hormones, knowing how to tweak your diet and your workouts to match where your nervous system is at. Like the leaf blower. Instead of trying to just get all the leaves up, just turn the leaf blower off. It's literally what we teach here. This is why it's so effective and you will not need another program. Then it's a matter of what do you want to do the rest of your life? What do you want to you know what to do now you're good. There's no more struggle. It's done. You have cleared the struggle because the struggle was deep in your nervous system. That's it. And you need to know how to tweak your hormones and workouts and diet based on where you're at, because guess what? Life's going to keep happening. You're going to need to know how to tweak them now. After kids, after your mom dies, after the dog dies, after holidays, you're going to need to know how to tweak every season of your life. And we teach women how to do that. And that's powerful. That's powerful. Instead of trying to wish, your problems were just go away. We teach you how to get bigger. Then your problems and they're not even problems anymore. And all this is in the nervous system. If you want to see that training where I show you how I went from 1400 calories to 2, 500 after C sections after total hysterectomy, doctors don't even know how we are doing what we were doing. Doctors come to work with us, take what they learn from us and use with their patients in practice. It starts with the masterclass. So DME strategy, click the link around this video, kcshipp. com forward slash register, watch it, apply, let's figure out which strategy you need, and clean up the leaves. And if you don't know what the leaves are, go back and watch this video. I'll talk to you soon.