The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast

#Ep. 569: Unlocking 7-Figure Success: Breaking Through the Illusions of Money and Power

casey shipp

Unlocking Seven Figures: Transformative Steps for High-Performance Women

The episode discusses the Millionaire Matrix and Seven Figure Certainty programs, aimed at helping women tap into their potential by aligning their financial, emotional, and business goals.

00:00 Introduction: The Path to Seven Figures
00:20 Breaking Through Personal Barriers
00:57 The Journey of Self-Discovery
01:42 Creating Hot Moms: A New Approach to Health
02:35 The Power of Personal Experience
02:43 Addressing Money and Health
06:04 Transformative Financial Insights
09:05 Embracing Emotional and Financial Growth
11:47 Overcoming Codependency and Self-Doubt
13:44 Meditation and Self-Reflection
14:12 Empowering Women in Business
15:13 Overcoming Personal Triggers
15:44 The Millionaire Matrix Program
16:44 Addressing Money and Guilt Issues
17:39 Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs
18:47 Taking Action and Embracing Discomfort
22:36 Real Estate and Abundance Codes
26:02 Program Details and Enrollment
28:13 Q&A and Final Thoughts

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Want to make seven figures in a year online? Those of you that haven't watched how I went from how I invested 7, 000 from a loan and made a million, watch that video. It's a great video. I'm abrasive. but it's a lot of truth and women like working with me because they think that I am very straight up, no bullshit. And I'm authentic, still finding pieces of myself, The course of finding your true self. my offer is I help high performance women, career women break through the bullshit around their weight and their body and their health. So we clear the blocks and beneath those blocks, most of them need my resources. Most of them are in martyr syndrome, codependent as fuck, powerless as fuck, just don't know who they are, you just addicted to shame and guilt cycles, can't see the forest for the trees, and then I come in with a little light I'm like, here's a doctor that's going to show you how your hormones are, and I'm going to show you through these courses Here's why you're fucked up. Here's why you feel crazy. can't stay on a diet. not motivated. It makes sense because it heals the root issue. it's trauma informed. when you heal and clear your shit, you don't get offended so easily. I believe you're capable and powerful My story, I was very unhealthy grew up in a family I thought was normal. Turns out I had CPTSD. I had so much emotional neglect and abuse that I had no idea even affected me then went suicidal, got on antidepressants when I was young, did substance abuse, drank too much wine, shitty relationships, found a Prince Charming, went through the dark night of the soul together almost didn't last lost my health again, found myself with two kids, and then found my way out, I'm going to share how I did this. me sharing that created the millions of dollars. that's why we're here tonight. I'm going to go deep and share some crazy shit that some people will get and some won't. I think there will be some that will listen and be like, fuck, it's going to activate something in you. That's going to create this ripple effect of healing in, and around your money for you. And that's why I'm doing this. I created Hot Moms. Because the medical field, the white coats are nothing. It's trash. a waste of money. They only take care of six people. Lots of normies, normal people, who are asleep They're not tapped in. They're believing everything they see on the news and the media. They're not tapped into intuition and their higher selves. We're living a lie, right? And found out how to heal the emotional body and really diving in to what is going on here? realizing holy shit, we're all being lied to. We're all being lied to. I realized we're all being lied to. I didn't dive into conspiracy theory. I didn't go deep down the rabbit hole. It was just another enlightenment. Hell, I went through an enlightenment 2012. This was like another enlightenment, but it was through health. I realized this is why I've struggled my whole life. it's been hard to lose weight. get healthy clear my acne get my hormones right. And get results with a trainer. when I found the codes I put it in hot mom's mastermind and it's been profound. It's been very profound. I've had people say they've sat with plant medicine, but this was better. They'd gone to therapy for 20 years and this was better. We're not saying to choose one or the other. personal experience made it powerful. I didn't go read a book. Yes, I read some books and put things in there I learned but my personal experience made it potent, And we're still adding to it. we're gonna add money codes because to lose weight and get healthy you have to address your money shit. Cause half of the women I've watched women, my leads, leads, that'll come in will be like, clearly they can afford to invest themselves. They will click seven fucking dollars. They will click 7 because they're afraid that it's going to cost money. and that's why you're going to stay fat. That's why you're going to stay running around. Too busy to take action and scared of everything worried. You're going to fail Thinking you need to be all in or nothing like that's trauma So it's clear to me that money has to be talked about I want to share how this training came together over the past five years. There's been about four million made, right? most of that's been since 2020. I think 2020 I hit 680. Wait, hold on. 2020 I made, I had a big growth. I can't remember. I think I was making like 10k a month and I ended that year maybe making 40 30. I really don't know 2021. I do know 2021. I made 680 I didn't come from money my mom grew up in the projects single mom and my dad was a poor farmer who didn't finish school because of trauma He made six figures one year but hid it in an ammo box. underground because he doesn't trust banks. I grew up around fear and scarcity around money. So it's not like I came from money. I got, my parents went, mortgage their house to go to college and go Delta, try Delta and now I have a comfy job. And then this, the comfy job, I just started doing my passion work. And, That turned into millions of dollars. That is not my story. I'm not discrediting anyone that is like that because fucking great. I'm just saying don't sit here and judge me and think I can't do it. I could barely graduate high school, cause I was never fucking there of a 1. 4 GPA, Okay, and just some big tittied blonde who whatever like you can fucking do this. Okay, just pretty Just gonna put that shit out there So I realized I had a winning formula and that winning formula is I do go over to the hot mom's mastermind But the winning formula at the end of the day was me being tapped in to my flow of life I always chased opportunity aka money. I always chased fun and opportunity Where are my fun, opportunity, chasers? Put into the comments if you chase fun and money. Just let me know. No shame. if you are ashamed, you ain't gonna make money. Money runs from shame. And that's why we're here tonight. Where are my money lovers? I always went after opportunity and fun. You said yes. that's why we fuck with each other. if you are ashamed, you ain't gonna make no money. I want you to dive in and we're going to make millions you may have to revisit some Of the shit that I teach in hot mom smash mom because if you can't eat and take care of yourself and work out Your business it's going to come back. i've worked with seven and eight figure entrepreneurs They still come here because they're not well We clean out the pipes, give them the resources, remind them like, Hey, this is important. Then They continue to go up. So you still need to have the help. You still need all the things we teach in hot moms, the hormones trauma clearing. emotional intelligence bad people can have money. I'm talking about soul aligned money. Where you love your clients be with your family. live life and make money I got to be with my family today, workout, meditate twice. And create something that helps a lot of people. I get to make money with that. that's my dream for you. I got on the phone with a lady in the millionaire matrix. We'll talk about that tonight and we're creating a podcast. she goes, Casey, teach me to create a blog podcast. I can make money with a low ticket funnel while I sleep, I can do this just so easy. All right. And I'm going to give you all those resources because I don't want you to go pay all these goddamn done for you digital service that don't waste your fucking money doing that. You're going to hate your life. You'll thank me later. I've done everything and created Millennial matrix If I can help one person not make the same mistake so you can hit your five million way faster than I did, my job is done. I love y'all's enthusiasm. Thank you, Jesse, Jill, and Andrea. the first thing I want to cover is debt wealthy people, love debt because it's leverage. we're here for a different way to look at debt. When I heard this, my mind went, Ooh, but I shared this with my magic bitch codexes. We do Sunday calls and here's what it was. what word or emotion comes to mind when you think of debt? What is debt equal to you? Mine was dumbass. Like you're dumb. You're not good with your money, shame guilt. Cause I can't spend on anything if I have debt. So I had shame, guilt, and. Judgment, like people will think I'm stupid with money and judging myself debt is anxiety. Stress, shame Keep going. Fear. Guilt. Anxiety. Feeling alone. fear, anxiety. What does debt make you feel like? Drowning fear, worthlessness, failure, not getting back on my feet. regret. Spending money to make money. Insecure. What does it feel like owing somebody? it's like a burden, right? Now, I want you to take your mind off that. And I want you to go over to a place. Cause I know everybody on this call has either purchased a designer piece or come into some money. how does it feel when you have more money than you need? I'll go when I'm good with cash, it feels powerful, proud. Money equaled fun to me. What does money equal to you? when you're going on vacation, you've budgeted properly, you've got money safe. Safe, light, powerful secure. Peace. Proud freedom. Love it. Happy. No stress. when I have lots of money, I feel fun happy, Free. Secure, confident, unstoppable. what if I told you Debt is money. It's just money you're paying off over time. it's the same money that you love, feels free, safe, and security it's money. It's just money. Debt is just money. What if I told you that now you're energetically. sitting there having so much shame and stress and all these things around debt and it feels so heavy But then there's this polarity with money and it's still money. one reason it's not coming to you is because you're so afraid of feeling those feelings that debt's going to bring in. And you feel that way about debt. So in with money, it's crazy. I'm learning so much about energetics This is where energy work comes into play everything's energy. if there's something in our subconscious, debt equals credit equals power. you want to say I have 500 or 10 million in available credit, right? I couldn't finance a fucking paperclip, honey. It got to a point where I was working on a black amx, it's possible Money is money. It's not like good money bad money. It's just all fucking money. if we feel Bad about debt but good about not debt. There's not aligned. we have to work on Looking at what we spend look at what you spend the money On from a place of power because you chose that Taking full responsibility of you chose that and the fact that you chose it and those credit card companies or whoever Trusted you to get it. They believe in you So you should believe in you, right? if you don't, that's what hot mom's masculine for. And that's what millionaire matrix is for. Cause you're going to learn how to create money and how powerful you are and why you have debt so you can eradicate it, pay it off, and then develop this relationship with it so that it's there, it's got your back, use it it's all beautiful and wonderful. It's money's not even real anyway. It's just a bunch of fucking commas and digital shit online. Yes, it could be cash money, but what is just paper, right? But it's the meaning we give to these motherfucking things. So that's one little ditty there. We can probably, put in money codes some homework for this because I heard this. I heard this and I was like, this must be shared with the world. It was crazy. in money codes, everything that's helped me I'm sharing with y'all. that's one thing changes the game. 100%. Now this is what happened today because I have made a lot of money and then I've had debt, not had debt, and then felt the same feelings with being a millionaire, the same feelings as when I was poor it's horrible. last night or the night before. when you make the money, when you hit the goal, when you hit your goal weight, it's not gonna, think about it right now. Who 10 pounds or made 10, 000 or made 500 or whatever. You're happy for that minute, a couple of days, but then it goes away. Y'all know this. It's like when you get married, right? When you get married happy. And then boom, 16 years later, you're still married. And it's still nice. It's not the same feelings. it wasn't like you got married and then boom changed, It's not like I got the body and then boom became different Overnight, it doesn't happen. I became different as I was getting the body, you need to learn how to cultivate these feelings and emotions and be emotionally solid so that you can start pulling in what you want and becoming what you want, if I can share some things that help me and is helping me now. Breakthrough these money, this money stuff with shame and guilt, a lot of you need this program. A lot of you need this program. need to work with me one on one. need mastermind, but you're not doing it because you're afraid. that's not serving anyone. Would you agree? Dana, money is the same way, honey. Money is the Same way. Relationship, same way. more money, more problems. Being poor is a lot of problems too. I've tried rich and poor. I like being rich better. I've tried skinny and not skinny and I like being sexy better. She goes, listen, I've been poor. She grew up in a trailer park. She was a millionaire. She's dead now. she didn't sit with her trauma, She goes, honey, I'd rather cry behind the six figure BMW than my old beaters. Someone said, I feel you, baby. I feel you. not to have to worry about bills. That's nice, but here nor there. We could go into the science of everything, which I break down in Hot Moms, You got any shame around that? Here's the deal. Here's what happened to me. Y'all ready for this Okay. And I'm trying not to rush. today, I Had a couple things come through. by the way, I'm making big moves. Who can feel that? Are y'all paying attention those of you in my ecosystem for the past three months you can feel it. I'm making big moves. when you make big moves, you get triggered and tested a lot. Some of my people already know this. Like Janet that signed up for. Seven figure certainty. She sent wired me the 15 K she goes, my car brick broke down, oil spilled everywhere. it literally died, Casey. She goes, but I knew this was going to happen. And you know what? I'm not even worried about it. Matter of fact, I'm already looking for a new car financing it. And I'm going big. This time that it does, she's single mom. she makes six figures. She signed up with me years ago and got the six figure position, I just helped her along. That's when you combine frequencies, right? We need somebody to believe in us. remind us that we are lovable, we are loved, and we can do it, You will be tested. I have been tested My team is solid. How they survive with me, how they live with me through these checks. Nicole sends me Nicole's my sales lead operation, whatever she is, she does a lot. She messaged me today and it's Oh, look at this. This is cool. It was like a testimonial. the testimonial was something like, Oh my God, I love Reset and Restore. she was really excited and said, I'm doing Reset and Restore with my husband. her joy was about him doing it and journaling with her. He's the reason she signed up. she wasn't going to He told her she should And I told Nicole, I can't be happy for her right now. It makes me want to vomit. I said, sometimes you feel bad for saying this. a part of me can be happy for her. But I'm not going to celebrate that codependency. I'm not going to do it. Because people like that, all they want is approval. That's it. That's why her husband's doing it with her. She doesn't see this, right? She would just see this like, how dare you, I'm doing this, and this is good for me There was a part of me long ago, when I was codependent, I'd be like, oh my god, and then wondered why I was surrounded by people that were codependent. But I saw it, and I was like, I'm not gonna celebrate that. With those people, you just say, nice. And move on I judged myself I saw a lady online and she's starting her business stuff and I was like something triggered in me with frustration of with myself because I Knew have you ever just knew you should have done something a long time ago Do y'all know what I'm talking about? Last year, a year and a half ago, I knew deep down that I needed a business make money offer. I knew in my soul. Meg, you just joined Seven Figure Certainty, and you felt it. When Meg signed up, I told Meg on text, I felt ashamed Which showed me Casey got some shit to clear here. I told Meg, this is my passion. helping women create and build businesses, scale businesses and earn money. it's my passion since I've been a little girl, health and fitness is just one of those things that I went through a transformation and I show people how I got it. But my passion, Casey, what lights me up is business. Making money, sales people skills, and just really creating whatever you want. in my meditation the other day with my people in seven figure certainty, I did this deep journey meditation, and I felt, and I told them, we're not, we think we're here for ourselves, there are people out there. And that's why we're all doing this. people are pulling us right now. Your content's needed. So those of you that want to start a business or have a business you're wanting to scale, you must do this. imagine if I didn't take action Some kids would be suicidal because their parents would be toxic. can you imagine if the person that helped you change your life didn't take action and played it small? there are people right now pulling like their energy. I got triggered and saw this girl. Post about her business, she went with this other girl, because I wasn't ready yet. playing it small, not trusting myself. I got over it, and this came up. are you ready? I was extremely frustrated and angry. Which is not my true self anytime you're frustrated and angry you need to meditate You've got to go within go to soul and find what's going on I teach how to do this but I went in. I went in the meditation the other night on my patio, above the canyon, stars above crickets and frogs quiet. beautiful. perfect weather, Southern California. I did a 45 minute thing where I laid there and felt. powerful women, I felt what they wanted. I felt their businesses. I felt them paying me. I felt the things we would create together. I just felt all this magic, I was tired of working with women who don't know their power. when you don't know your power You're scared to Take action. You're scared to take a risk. too busy to do this Just not your power woman. That's in her power. For example is in my dms She's in her 60s and doing the work. She's sending in her worksheet. talking back and forth going deep with me, like we're talking about some stuff and she's just there. And a few other ones, not responsive, I'm ready to work with women in their power because I've stepped into mine Cause there was part of me in 2023 has been brutal. I've, Oh, so there was parts of me that attracted all of this disempowerment I used to feel needed from coming in and helping these women and it did nothing, but left me feeling frustrated and angry, ultimately, and then half of them don't even, they're not grateful. it's been great. we're going to just continue. And that's why hot mom switched To the new mastermind. It's a new energy. I'm like, alright, if you wanna be here, it's gonna be this way. we're gonna talk more. we're gonna do this. You're gonna get results. You believe in yourself, I believe in you. no more plain and small here's the problem You don't do the work. You don't meditate. You keep asking the same questions Want a psychic to tell you the thing. No, I'm ready to work with power players, So I got to become a power player, I went into meditation today, frustrated and angry, obviously because I keep a track to women. That's like a part of me. And you know what it was? Do you want to know? I started feeling the feelings of a lot of people, a lot of women, And if you have a business right now and you're wanting to know why sales aren't coming in or why you're afraid to put yourself out there You may need guidance and systems I got you. But consider this. I had a lady the other day, I signed her up, she's a chiropractor. She goes, I know I need to be working more, I'm afraid because I think it's going to be a big responsibility Consider this. two days ago my mom called me out of nowhere, this energy's showing me something for a reason. I started imagining these women coming in we're doing the millionaire matrix, the seven figure certainty program. a lot of people all of a sudden I get really uncomfortable. And I'm like, okay, what is this feeling? And you know what it was? These women were going to come in and in a split second when things got hard or I triggered them from coaching them they came to me to become her and I've got to help her and shake that weak shit out of her, I'm here to put the mirror on her, she's going to quit, want to hurt me, and want a refund, even after I've given her six months of work, because that's happened before, old hungry ghost. So that came up. the next trigger was, if you're like, Oh my God, me too, put it in the chat. Another one was, what if they come in? this one went deep, y'all. This one got me crying weeping and angry. I started hitting shit. I went into sacred rage. I started feeling the transmission. I've paid 70 grand a year. I've paid 120 grand a year to be around somebody in a mastermind. I loved it. I can't tell you what that did for me growth wise So i've paid people way more money than what i'm even considering Charging, it's not astronomical money I started imagining, them paying me and getting things But there's still money there. I had discomfort around the money It was like the money in these women and it felt oh god if that means I'm gonna feel more. I'm gonna feel better. I'm gonna have more money and that means they don't have it if I have more money and they're not making millions yet. I'll feel bad. I know it's fucked up. You can't judge me. This is a safe place. And trauma, right? But my mom, she ingrained this in me. She programmed me to not make other people feel bad. Don't flaunt. Don't brag. Don't dress that way. don't be too pretty. Don't be too anything. Stay low key. Stay low key, right? Because you may make somebody else feel bad. I'll never forget when I brought on one coach with me and I'm like, I'm killing it and she wants to be where I'm at I told her I just feel and she kept wanting to lift me up, It's hard for me to receive right and she kept want to lift me up and I go but what about you she goes, what are you talking about? it came from unworthiness, guilt. I had guilt around being bigger than I am now. It may trigger smallness in them. And you know what that was doing? Keeping people powerless. No wonder I wasn't attracting power players. making the money I wanted I wasn't believing in people. Yet, I believe in myself. then I questioned, because you always need to, any things that come up when you realize these triggers, challenge them. Okay, don't go down a spiral. I said, okay, Casey, let's think about it. You've paid 18 grand don't talk to the girl, just listen to videos. paid 70 grand, never talked to the guy, listen to videos, went to one event, paid another guy 120, met him twice, supposed to meet him four times, barely talked you got way in over your head, did all these things never wanted to try to hurt or refund, so why would somebody do that to you? you knew these people were making 20 million, 30 million, 50 million, and you never felt less than, it was my mom's coding and programming. That's how she was, Still running in the subconscious ways of Casey, I've done so much work, The work is where you're at now, where you want to go. And bitches like you and me, We always want to glow up, grow up, and go up. We're here for the work. We're not lazy bitches. We're powerful bitches. Courageous bitches. Brave bitches. When things don't feel right, we change shit, bitches. I had to look at all this. Reframe a lot. And realize, this is why you've been disempowering people I was afraid, had shame and guilt around going big. if you're not where you want to be, there may be an aspect in you the same way. There's something in there that you're not wanting to go big. there's shame or guilt somewhere. Oh Casey, I just don't what happens when I get there? It's the same thing when you had a kid or got married, you figured it out. You figured it out, right? Dana. does anybody else feel like you may have some of this in the coding? Maybe you don't know yet, but the only way to uncover it, I talked about this on weight loss certainty. What's the only way to clear out the thing that needs to be cleared out for you to get to where you need to go? What's that one thing you need to do? I'll wait. I was shamed this holiday for my recent wins by my mom and dad. Never share your wins with your mom and dad. cry and write that down in grief and loss because you will never share your wins with them the way you will your coach or husband Take it head on, Elizabeth said, okay? That's a good one. Anybody else want to guess what that one thing that you need to be doing to clear out the thing That's causing you not to have the thing. What's the one thing you need to do neutralize or sit with it? take action. you need to get really uncomfortable if you remove uncertainty and fear What do you know deep down needs to happen? Do you need to take out the loan to get the person? Do you need to sign up for the thing? Like what needs to happen? So what needs to happen is you gotta get really uncomfortable. Or life is gonna make you get uncomfortable. It's gonna strip you of things. It's gonna make you get fat. It's gonna make you get stressed out. It's gonna fuck with your head. It's gonna make you really uncomfortable. that's where the growth happens, right? I just need to get myself out there and not care. get really uncomfortable. take action. then whatever comes up is the thing you get to clear I knew I had to create a make money. Here's how to make money online. I've done it. Here's the systems. I'm going to give it to you a millionaire matrix. I'm going to give you the systems the funnels, the automations, the technology, the people to build the stuff that's really cheap. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars I've invested over$400k I'm gonna show you everything You don't have to pay even a quarter of that What's coming up for you? That's some big shit in the millionaire matrix. I give you the systems because you will need some masculine bro shit because you're just going to need it, especially if you want to scale to$50k and up They're your friends at this point. I do go A lot on the feminine, which means it's the energetics I was telling Janet how to do the podcast and I gave her all kinds of scenarios. I gave her many options and I was like at the end of the day These are the basics, but you are the art make sure this feels right Because I did it all the wrong ways. I listened to other people. I let other people build it for me it's just not good. You don't want that. So I have the Millionaire Matrix. I started the seven figure certainty and I'll explain the difference We have payments for Millionaire Matrix, I launched this year. I'm embarrassed doing things others don't My current block is that our business sells. As our business sales grow, so does our expenses, and it makes me uncomfortable. Yeah, that's just, that's along the lines of guilt and shame. I'd like to teach the overflow, to tap into creativity. once you get into creativity, you'll be able to look back. Cause I did that too, and it usually means that there's something in there. I'd be happy to look at it. I worked with another lady. She didn't even have online sales, they had a Company in steel she was like, I want to go from 2. 5 to five. And they did, she joined with me. We did a three month intensive. She needed to learn how to tap into her intuition millionaire matrix gives both the masculine, feminine, the systems and everything. I would meet with the girls once a week I take you through the calls from literally, you don't even have a business, you start there, and it takes you to where now the people that started, they now have offers, some have started books Some scaled, some created company businesses, clients, all the things. So it takes you from there to there. now I'm taking three to four more people privately for one to three months, Obviously three is going to be a little bit better. It depends on where you go on your business. If you're already making 20, 30 K one month may suffice because you're probably just one little thing from tweak to busting over but it's either one month or three months. We're going to do calls together, strategize like today. What we did with Janet is went over Her vision so I know how to work backwards and give her the tools needed so she can bite off little things And get it done so we can launch her podcast in 30 days in the blog. we need to meet privately and you'll have access to my whatsapp millionaire matrix is less expensive and it will get you started we have payment plans and so you would just get in start on the day one videos You can post in the community as your questions come in what we're going to do is like today, I'm going to film how to start and launch your podcast blog I'm building it together. one says I'm a realtor. I need to not be fearful to use my voice. I have a video that's called how I invested 7, 000 and made it a million. And I said, it's for realtors and teachers. I've worked with a few realtors, every one of them, boom, blow past all the other realtors, because I teach them the abundance codes, and it's just an energy thing. one of them's in millionaire matrix and the other one is in. Mastermind. all the, realtors said their sales went up. And another lady, started her own company in real estate, whatever she did that. I can, I'm realtors or it's easy for me to help, but what we found is like teachers the mindset, a lot of realtors get in it for money, they think it's going to be easy money, right? But it's really just, razzle dazzle fried terrified housewife who wanted to do it to make money, she's in like fake hustle world. She's going to all the events and like personal growth junkie on way too much caffeine when she really needs to like, learn how to tune into her fucking self and learn the abundance way. And increase her emotional intelligence. So teachers and realtors we found, they just are terrified to invest. Not all of them, some of them. And it depends on what level at what level, and also realtors, because it's dealing with the economy, same thing with mortgage people and anything around money, lots of scarcity because your fed lies, your fed stats and lies through the 3d world. And so it's really important that we come in and say, Hey, Let's go beyond that. And that's where the magic is with real estate. Because you can't stay all on the 3d or you will be caught up in that I know for my most recent closing, I had a nice commission, but I'm fearful spending it. That's what I'm saying. Candy, a lot of real estate agents is there's so much fear around that. And not until you understand the abundance codes teachers are the same way, it's a limited way of thinking. you don't want to be that way. that's why I have that video. I invested 7k because hot moms is in the thousands and we have payments. Millionaire matrix is four grand, payments are 800 to work with me in seven figure certainty. It's five grand a month, Or 15 K for three months. So you've got to either have it in savings or take out a loan. the fear is keeping you stuck. get over it, take out the loan, invest in the coaching and get through your b*llshit so you can expand or keep playing it small, And win the day, but that's what my point was with realtors, just from what I've seen coming in with teachers, realtors, and anybody around mortgage and things like that. Those have been our hardest clients to get to take action. Yeah, I'm with you candy. I'm a W2 employee and my husband's a realtor and it's stressful and things are dry, right? That's why You can outdo the dry. I had a girl that had a tanning salon. She came in, she goes, Oh, this is Jason. And I was like, what? they give it acronyms for hard times of the year. We made the worst time of her life. Sales season the best so It's possible, right? It's very fucking possible and you can't discredit every Motherfucking body who has come in and worked with me even on my team They have all started their own business Casey hand over fist money's coming you connect with somebody Doing the thing and it rubs off on you for me I was talking to another girl Nicole. She's seven figure gal She goes, you know me and you both can sit there and look at somebody that's making thirty fucking thousand or ten thousands the best Because people that make ten thousand a month are making the stupidest mistakes the dumbest mistakes You just tell them to do a couple things different. there's 30k and I was like, You're so right. We're really good at seeing here's what you're not doing, or what you're doing. I've been with hot moms since 2018. If you feel led to invest, there's a reason I have had results with her before, and even though I'm scared of the new stuff, I'm ready to trust her to get me to the next step. Your life has completely shifted. I remember you getting a raise. Soon after you came in and I remember you going for another job and you got it. And that's the truth. That's the thing Janet, you're connected to your heart. That's where true abundance is in your heart and everybody else is there outside of their bodies. They're not tapped into love frequency. They're tapped into survival. They're not tapped into creativity and that's our job every day is to get into creativity mode. If you feel called to join the Millionaire Matrix, I suggest doing that starting the new year because it's still a write off. You've got Three more days. You can write this off. We had one lady, even her corporation wrote off hot moms mastermind because it's personal growth. Because you're more valuable in the marketplace because you learn people skills, emotional intelligence, great for HR people. But really, if you're just a business owner, entrepreneurs, that's who I really want to work with in millionaire matrix and seven figure certainty. So seven figure certainty, that's intensive with me. Yes, you belong here. if you want one on one attention You get to meet in person with me. And the last girl that came in, she flew out here in California. She was small town girl. She now has her own brick and mortar business, her med spa. It's amazing. business is my thing. Money is my thing. I can do both. Fitness over here, money over here. And so those of you that can't do both things, let's regulate your nervous system. Teach you how to tap into a bigger thing so you can do both. Okay. millionaire matrix, I'll give you the link. Hold on. I got to make sure I've got these payments, right? Let me send it to myself. Hold on. And you can ask me questions while I'm pulling it up. I got to send it to my Facebook and post it. Cause WhatsApp's not on my phone. Let me send it to Nicole. She's gonna be like, what is this? when you sign up for seven figure certainty we will book your call with me, your kickoff call. Cause I want to know how much money you want to make, what kind of business you have? I'll have a lot of questions. if you're doing millionaire matrix, that's a grow at your own pace. I will add new content and we may do a coaching call. I don't know. she's building her business and then 2024, I think she's ready to do something else. Millionaire Matrix is grow at your own pace. No promised live calls If I do them, it's a bonus. Seven figure certainty Casey intensive and it's hands over hand or fist. Those that work closely with me in proximity with the person, you're going to get better results. Let me grab the link I'm pumped to launch this because we're gonna add so much new shit. Holler! here's the payment options. I'll just put the link here, It's got details of the program. I'm excited for that in Mastermind. Millionaire Matrix is the bomb. new content like the podcast and How to set that up making everything you need to grow and launch. I put the payment links there payment options opt in Little things I probably should have done before the call. seven figure certainty, if you want that, DM me. I will post that in the comments as well. this will be loaded in money codes for those in the mastermind or bad bitch membership. Because it had, homework for the debt. I don't know where the sales page is for Millionaire Matrix, but I told you what the fuck was in it. Got it. Okay, so questions, Q& A. Let me know what's coming up. What came up for you? What are you realizing that's holding you back? What do you need to do? let me know those things. If you put uncertainty and fear aside what do you need to do right now, today? who knows that you need to sign up for this shit? Ring in 2024 like an abundant bad bitch that you are. Holler. And I do think what I can, if you're not in the program, you already know DM me. Okay. If you're not in Mastermind. I will throw that in if you want to do the certainty, seven figure certainty, and the one on one, I can throw that in, cause you're gonna need it. But that's only if you sign up this month, like three more days. Action takers will be rewarded